Encoder / Decoder

Encoders are services that transform data from string to array and vice-versa. Although the TSantos Serializer Library currently supports only JSON encoder, you can register new encoders to your application by implementing the :class:`Encoder\\EncoderInterface` interface, register the service in the container and tag it like following:

// src/Serializer/JsonEncoder
namespace App\Serializer;

use TSantos\Serializer\Encoder\EncoderInterface;

class JsonEncoder implements EncoderInterface
    public function encode(array $data): string
        return json_encode($data);

    public function decode(string $content): array
        return json_decode($content, true);

    public function getFormat(): string
        return 'json';

Now you can tag your encoder and you are done to use your custom encoder.

# ./config/services.yml
            - { name: "tsantos_serializer.encoder", format: "format" }


The attribute format is required! This value will be matched against the option tsantos_serializer.format on your configuration to define which encoder will be used in your application.


Different from the most used serialization libraries, you don’t need to pass the format on $serializer->serialize(…) or $serializer->deserialize(…) calls.